tax services

Five Benefits of Outsourcing Tax Services for Your North Texas Business

Take a look at the recommended reading by the Internal Revenue Service in the small business tax guide then opt to read about large business guides. It will become abundantly clear that preparation for taxes is complex no matter the size of your business.

At Slaton, we get to know your business needs so that we can provide long term support for your goals. Our expert team handles both tax preparation and long-range planning. Here are a few reasons to consider allowing us to provide tax services for your Texas business.

Save Time

The average tax filer spends over 13 hours on their tax return. Filing a complex return for a small business will take much more effort and time. Using tax services like ours can save you time when you let us do the heavy lifting for your tax preparation. This allows you to keep spending your hours on what matters to you most – making your business a success.

taxLet the Pros Do The Work

Businesses aren’t just concerned with federal or state income taxes for the business itself. They also must deal with income tax withholding and reporting, healthcare reporting, and more. Adding to that pile, new tax laws are put into effect each year. It is hard to keep up with the regulations, especially when they keep changing.

At Slaton, we stay up to date on all tax laws and mandates so you don’t have to be an expert. Let our experts work for you. You can trust Slaton with your taxes, payroll, bookkeeping and many other business services.

Save Money

Allowing us to do your tax preparation and filing will not only save you hours of time, but it also will save you real money. Our tax experts know all of the deductions your business qualifies for in addition to what in your business expenses are tax deductible. Using our tax services will not only save you money, it can also balance the cost of paying us as we work to find deductions and credits for your business.

Limit Costly Errors

The most common error on tax returns annually is math miscalculations. Whether big or small, math errors cause a return to be incorrect. This can leave your business on the hook for extra taxes, fees and interest. More serious errors like failing to report income can lead to large fines and possible prosecution.

Plan Ahead

Allow us to help you see the big picture when it comes to your taxes. What you pay this year will affect what you owe in the next year and impact how you plan for your business and expenses. We want your North Texas Business to be successful and that includes tax planning, preparation and filing.

Contact Us

Businesses save money and time when they have the right partner for tax services. At Slaton Financial, we are an ally for your business and your bottom line. Tax compliance and consulting are incorporated into our tax preparation services. We have helped businesses of all sizes. You can trust Slaton Financial Services with your tax needs. Call us for a consultation today!




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